The sections below contain information on the SST data types; including output attributes, advice on quality and purpose of the data. Click on the pictures for links to the data.
SST provides a major input to weather due to the strong interaction between SST and the atmosphere. As weather patterns change due to the long-term changes in SST, continuous monitoring of SST by satellite is necessary in order to better understand the reasons for changes in the weather patterns and to model future changes in climate, as well as to predict and monitor impacts on the population due to flooding, droughts, etc. The latest version of the ATSR SST time series is shown on the ESA SST CCI website (see
ATSR Multi-mission
Format: The main source of ATSR data products is the ESA NRT and Archive Service.
Quality:This provides the complete range of data products up to and including ARC_L2P netCDF format
Digital Object Identify (DOI): N/A
Date of most recent version: Various
Access:The ESA service is available to users worldwide via a registration process on their website.
Format: NetCDF format.
Quality: Accuracy of 0.3K or better. Unlike the ESA service, CEDA does not provide an NRT service
Digital Object Identify (DOI): N/A.
Date of most recent version: 04 July 2014
Access: Available to registered CEDA users, via http download or ftp.
Format: L3C in NetCDF format
Quality: 0.05 degree resolution (compatible with GHRSST L3U) and 1-km (compatible with GHRSST L2P)
Digital Object Identify (DOI) number: 10.1002/gdj3.20
Two previous sources of SST data were also produced. These are:
Format: ENVISAT format (ATS_NR and ATS_AR)
Quality: The above datasets are recommended over this set.
Digital Object Identify (DOI) number: N/A
Date of most recent version: unknown
Format:SADIST (ATSR-1 and ATSR-2 only)
Quality: Resolution=1kmx1km, geolocation information included for each pixel
DigitalObjectIdentify (DOI):
Date of most recent version: 29 May 2009
Access: Not currently available for download
The Centre for Environmental Data Archival (CEDA) is the archive of the instrument providers, NERC and DECC, and is available exclusively to scientists working on relevant NERC and DECC contracts. CEDA also provides SST data from the shipborne radiometers ISAR and SISTeR.